Pastors William and
Alana Hardison

Prayer Ministers

Pastors WIlliam and Alana are an integral part of Still Waters Community Church. From their faithfulness to their compassion, they emulate CHRIST Culture on a daily basis. Whether through prayer or servitude, they are always ready to do GOD”s will for His church and His people. 

The church is representative of YESHUA on earth

It has been given authority by the power of the RUACH ha KODESH and a mission to speak the TRUTH to the world and be the instrument which ELOHIM will use to overcome evil and save people from death.  
Matthew 16:13-19  
Acts 2:14-40 
We bring ourselves as willing to be used by ELOHIM (GOD) to accomplish HIS purposes within HIS people on earth. We minister and serve, that is, trying our best to be available, but relying on HIS strength for direction in the area which HE has called us, to love HIS people. 
Matthew 26:27-28 
Pastor Alana
  • BS Chemistry, 2005 Georgia Institute of Technology
  • MS Biochemistry, 2009 Georgia State University 
Pastor William
  • BS Industrial & Systems Engineering, 2004 Georgia Institute of Technology 
  • CHRIST Culture Girls Ministry 
  • Grant Writing Ministry (School Ministry) 
  • Prayer Ministry 
  • Technology Ministry 
  • Worship Dance Ministry 
  • Worship Team Ministry 

History, and how events helped to shape our present world.  When learning the length and breadth of just our own society it is amazing to consider GOD has been involved and active through it all to bring us to the present moment, and that now HE gives us an opportunity to contribute to the story HE is writing.