Gun Control

The CHRIST Culture Blog | September 6, 2024, | Rev. Dr. Carole Hulslander

Our 2nd Amendment Rights are an essential part of our U.S. Constitution.

Although taking away guns from everyday citizens has always been second only to our right to free speech as a communist platform goal, we are not unaware of history and know that this is the agenda of those who desire control of a country. We’ve seen it time and time again throughout history. Make people feel unsafe and in need of false peace, and you will have a country controlled by fear. We are told over and over again for our safety and peace; we must take away all guns and allow only the government to have the power to kill and defend themselves.

Law-obeying citizens should have the right to free speech and guns and, therefore, be able to defend their homes, neighbors, and country against those who want a nation that cannot protect itself. In every case, it is a person with a gun that stops a person with a weapon who is killing people. In most cases, the gun was obtained illegally because those who kill don’t keep the law. In other words, if you are successful in taking away guns from those who obey the law, the only ones who will have guns are those who do not. Therefore, we will be at the mercy of those who do not care about the law and will, therefore, be able to kill at will with no one able to stop them, like in many other countries. This is why millions of people come to America.

Those young people at Still Waters Community Church have seen other countries, or their parents are from many different countries and are aware of the many blessings of living in the U.S. For those who haven’t been outside the U.S., we, of course, plan to make sure they go to other countries to help them know how blessed they are to live in the U.S. We attempt to address the propaganda that is spread by the left-wing media owned by the Democrats.  The Democrats claim they can take away all guns, you know, just as they did with drugs. Of course, they can’t, and no one can take away all drugs or guns except GOD, and HE will set all things right at HIS return. For now, we must defend the innocents as Scripture prescribes.  We see time and time again in Scripture Israel attacked and its efforts to stand before ELOHIM and march out to defend their country.

The most important is what did JESUS think about having weapons? The scripture, “sell your cloak and buy a sword,” comes from the Bible, specifically Luke 22:36. In this verse, JESUS advises HIS disciples to acquire a sword, even if it means selling their cloak. The LORD knows this is a dangerous world and that having a sword could mean the difference between life and death. At the time, the disciples would have only owned a small knife to cut nets and fish for dinner. But JESUS knew that the world is filled with profound evil, and we would need something to defend our family and friends against the evil that would attempt to kill. Therefore, HE advised them to now carry a sword, which would be the equivalent of an AR-15 today. It is what the Roman soldiers carried: the top army in the world at the time. I DO NOT BELIEVE that JESUS told us to take up a sword to be violent but to defend against violence, as we witnessed what happened in Georgia this past week. A person with a gun stopped a killer with a gun. Think for a moment what might have happened if there was no law-obeying person with a gun there to defend? Just how many more people would have died?

Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith stated that the gunman, armed with an “AR-platform style weapon,” began shooting around 10:20 a.m. Smith mentioned that the shooter, identified as Colt Gray, was quickly confronted by off-duty deputies who were paid by the school and immediately surrendered.

 We must realize that we cannot find true “safety” or “peace” anywhere except in JESUS and HIS word. The beauty of HIS creation starts with knowing HIM and HIS will in our lives; the same goes for safety and peace. We are a new creation in HIM and have nothing to fear unless we love the world more than we do HIM because then we do not deserve HIM or the safety and peace only HE can bring.

1 John 2:15-17, TLV

 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the FATHER is not in him. 16 For everything in the world—the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the boasting of life—is not from the FATHER but from the world. 17 The world is passing away along with its desire, but the one who does the will of GOD abides forever.