Bending a Knee

The CHRIST Culture Blog | September 6, 2024, | Rev. Dr. Carole Hulslander

Most people who follow JESUS know that the Church is dear to HIM.

HE refers to the Church as HIS bride, body, and family (1 Corinthians 12:12-26; Ephesians 1:23; Matthew 12:50). The Kingdom/Culture is built from His Church, and no weapon formed can stand against it (Matthew 16:18). The Church is HIS witness to a dying world. HIS Kingdom’s culture will protect the weak and guide the strong. Without HIS Church, evil in the world grows, and we will witness more narcissism, cruelty, deception, and death.

Lately, there has been a troubling trend affecting the Church. Many church buildings have closed, and some may never reopen due to the impact of Covid-19. The pandemic has caused a great deal of disruption for churches and believers worldwide. Not only were we advised not to hold in-person services, but we were also discouraged from physical contact, despite the fact that scripture teaches us to greet each other with a holy kiss (1 Thessalonians 5:26).

Fear has gripped many people, fueled in part by the constant barrage of news from mainstream media. It has been unsettling to still see individuals wearing masks and gloves while driving alone in their cars.

It is disheartening to witness instances where believers were targeted by government authorities for sharing the gospel in public or seeking to help others understand the full impact of abortion, which has become more routine today. Some Christians and Pastors have been placed in jail, while cities allow and even encourage riots, looting, and other large gatherings attempting to stop free speech.

When I went to ADONAI in prayer, HE told me to meet with those who would meet and touch those who wanted to be touched as CHRIST instructed us not to be arrogant or ignorant but to trust in HIM in all things.

JESUS’ called church agrees that we must serve ELOHIM over humans (Acts 5:29). I searched the Scriptures and found the law and the story of the person with leprosy (Leviticus 13; Matthew 8:1-3), and I would like to talk to you about what I found.

It was against Jewish Law to touch a leper, and if you did dare to touch a leper, you would be sent out of the town and considered unclean. It was dangerous to touch a person with leprosy because leprosy was a highly contagious and deadly disease that killed slowly and miserably—and there was no known cure at that time. Yet when JESUS met a leper, HE touched him (Matthew 8:1-3).

1 When JESUS came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed HIM. 2 A man with leprosy came and knelt before HIM and said, “LORD, if you are willing, YOU can make me clean.” 3 JESUS reached out HIS hand and touched the man. “I AM willing,” HE said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy (Matthew 8).

The Church, of CHRIST JESUS needs to make a choice. Are we the Church of CHRIST JESUS, or are we something else? Will we dare to follow HIM truly? Will we show HIS response to those who are a danger to us? Will we be willing to touch those who want to be touched even when it may cost us our earthly lives? Will we decide to be HIS Kingdom here on earth by living out HIS culture and reaching out to touch? There will soon come another time when we are told not to speak, not to leave our homes, not to attend church, not to touch, so we need to decide to whom we will bend our knees.