One King

August 20, 2023

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Carole Hulslander

John 3:1-10
See what great love the AVI
has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of YAHWEH!
And that is what we are

John 3:1-10
The reason the world does not
know us is that it
did not know HIM

John 3:1-10
Dear friends, now we are children
of YAHWEH, and what we
will be has not yet
been made known.
But we know that when MASHIACH
(CHRIST ) appears, we shall be like HIM

John 3:1-10
for we shall see HIM as HE is
All who have this
hope in HIM purify
themselves, just as
HE is pure

John 3:1-10
Everyone who sins breaks the law;
in fact, sin is lawlessness. 5 But you
know that HE appeared so that
HE might take away our sins.
And in HIM is no sin

John 3:1-10
No one who lives in HIM keeps on
sinning. No one who continues
to sin has either seen HIM
or known HIM

John 3:1-10
Dear children, do not let anyone
lead you astray. The one
who does what is right is
righteous, just as HE is righteous.
The one who does what is sinful
is of the devil,

John 3:1-10
because the devil has been
sinning from the beginning.
The reason the
Ben of YAHWEH (SON of GOD)
appeared was to destroy the devil’s work

John 3:1-10
No one who is born of YAHWEH
(GOD) will continue to sin,
because YAHWEH’s seed
remains in them; they cannot go
on sinning, because they have been
born of YAHWEH

John 3:1-10

This is how we know who the
children of YAHWEH are
and who the children of the
devil are: Anyone who does
not do what is right is not
YAHWEH’s child, nor is
anyone who does not love
their brother and sister

Proverbs 6:16-19 
There are six things ha ADONAI
hates, seven that are detestable
to HIM:
haughty eyes,lying tongue, hands that shed
innocent blood

Proverbs 6:16-19 
A heart that devises
wicked schemes,
-feet that are quick
to rush into evil,
a false witness
who pours out lies

Proverbs 6:16-19 
and a person who
stirs up conflict
in the Church

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, powers,
the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high

Peter 2:9-25
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should
Show forth
the praises of HIM who has called you
out of darkness into HIS marvelous
light; 10 Which in time past were not a
people, but are now the people of
which had not obtained mercy, but now have
obtained mercy