Worship Team
“Sing to him a new song;
Play skillfully, and shout for joy.”
Psalms 33:3
“The role of the Worship Team at Still Waters is to provide an opportunity on Sundays for the community of believers to worship GOD in song/music. We’re rooted in the Still Waters vision verse (John 17:23) where we want to worship CHRIST in oneness and not worship our cultures or our preferred “styles” of music. So you’ll hear music ranging from Gospel to Country, Rock to Traditional Hymns, songs in English and songs in other languages.”
~Minister Kevin O’Connor
Worship Team Practices
The Worship Team gathers every 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month for practice from 7:00-9:00PM. Notices will be sent if any changes occur.
Please contact Minister Kevin O’Connor if you want to get involved or have questions.